But Why Tho‘s Arron Kluz hit the high seas in Trash Sailors, the hand-drawn co-op sailing adventure where maritime explorers navigate convoluted waters from developer fluckyMachine and publisher tinyBuild, finding “an experience that borders on perfection” in a maelstrom of cooperative mayhem.

Trash Sailors is one of the rare co-op-centric titles that manages to deliver a chaotic and fun experience without annoyance. Levels never feel too punishing, enemies don’t have overbearing mechanics, and no part of the puzzle is undervalued in the grand scheme of things. This makes for an experience that borders on perfection for any group of friends looking for a new game to tackle together. The team creatives behind it should be immensely proud of what they have managed to create, and anyone even slightly interested in Trash Sailors owes it to themselves to pick it up. 

You can read But Why Tho?’s full article here. For more information on Trash Sailors, please follow @fluckyMachine on Twitter.