VG247 interviews Question Co-Founder about Cooperative Horror Mystery The Blackout Club

VG247’s Kirk McKeand interviewed Question Co-Founder Jordan Thomas about cooperative paranormal horror mystery The Blackout Club. In this long-form interview, McKeand explains that Thomas’s history with horror goes back a couple decades through games: “As well as creating the infamously unsettling Shalebridge Cradle level in Thief: Deadly Shadows, he is the designer responsible for Read more…

Gunscape’s Sci-Fi Horror DLC Seismic Available Now For PS4, XB1, PC

Blowfish Studio’s Gunscape got a spooky sci-fi horror makeover today with the new Seismic DLC pack. The first-person shooter/world-building hybrid that’s been downloaded over 350,000 times is adding ghoulish flesh-machine abominations and a suite of cybernetic level creation tools. These will help players to branch out and create the horrific levels they’ve been dreaming Read more…