At E3 2018, Alienware, SocialTron Live, and E-Coliseum teamed up to bring Sleep Tight, the adrenaline-pumping twin-stick shooter with pillow-fort building elements from the Ubisoft, Disney, and Hollywood veterans We Are Fuzzy, to life.

Hosted by Twitch Announcers Darwyn Metger and Chester See, Sleep Tight IRL attracted crowds of top streaming personalities like James Paley (@JamePaley), Keith Muelas (@BigHungry2x), Morgan Redfield (@RealPaynetrayne), and others. While influencers played inside the game’s real-life replica, Jourdan Ribeiro (Ribs) of Ghost Gaming went hands-on with a full version of the game.

Watch the video below for more footage from the We Are Fuzzy team and their event.