Game Informer’s Wesley LeBlanc turns up the volume on the soundtrack for Ghostrunner 2, the first-person cyberpunk-action thriller from global publisher 505 Games and developer One More Level, with the track list and first track being revealed as an exclusive.
Game Informer revealed the entire soundtrack’s titles with the track “Road to Zero” from Dan Terminus available to listen to natively ahead of the game’s release on October 26th – though players can jump into the cyberpunk action early through the Brutal Edition on October 24th. Artists involved with the game’s pulse-raising soundscape includes We are Magonia, Gost, Arkadiusz Rejkowski, and Daniel Deluxe.
“But as fans of the first game know,” writes LeBlanc, “the series’ music is one of its best aspects and we haven’t learned much about Ghostrunner 2’s soundtrack yet – until now.”
Read the full news article here.
LeBlanc also had the opportunity to get some hands-on time with a vertical slice of the game and speak with the developers at One More Level, penning a full preview in the October issue of the magazine starting on page 50. Focusing on Ghostrunner 2‘s intense approach to first-person parkour and its themes of tearing down tyrants sitting on thrones of unchecked, technology-fueled capitalism, LeBlanc wrote “This demo didn’t consist of much – short tutorial sequences, a few enemy-filled arena to parkour destructively through, and a finale I’ll get to shortly. But this demo was also precisely what I needed: confirmation that Ghostrunner 2 is, in fact, more of this excellent world One More Level crafted three years ago.”
LeBlanc goes on to say, “… Ghostrunner 2 just feels right. It’s fast as hell, jaw-droppingly gorgeous with neon-lit rain turning the glass of skyscrapers into cyberpunk watercolor canvases…”
As an evolution of the gameplay established in the first game, Ghostrunner 2 sets out to dazzle players with its frenetic action sequences, high-octane motorcycle sections, challenging boss encounters, and captivating narrative. “Jack is back and I couldn’t be more excited,” concludes LeBlanc. We couldn’t agree more.
More information about Ghostrunner 2 can be installed into one’s brain on the official website. Preorders are available now on Steam, GOG, Epic Games Store, Xbox, and PlayStation.