In a new YouTube video essay, RagnarRox bravely faces the twisted, imaginative nightmare that is WORLD OF HORROR, the unsettling cosmic horror retro RPG from developer Panstasz and publisher Ysbryd Games.
RagnarRox carefully lays out their thoughts on WORLD OF HORROR by examining the game’s inspirations, primarily the iconic unnerving manga of Junji Ito and the unexplainable beings beyond the stars penned by author H.P. Lovecraft. From there, RagnarRox sets the stage of the game’s plot, recounting their experiences on various runs, and ultimately explains why this work stands out as a horror experience.
“If the modern big budget AAA formula is about making games that are, as the popular proverb goes, ‘a mile wide and an inch deep’ than WORLD OF HORROR is way more than just an inch wide, but it is also as deep as the goddamn Marianas Trench, where In His House At R’lyeh, Dead Cthulhu Waits Dreaming.”
WORLD OF HORROR version 1.0 is available now on Steam and makes its console debut on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4 on Thursday, Oct. 26th, 2023. More information can be found on the official websites of Panstasz and publisher Ysbryd Games.