Rock Paper Shotgun’s Edwin Evans-Thirlwell explores new galaxies in To The Stars, the whimsical tactical planet-hopping roguelike from developer Stellar Cartography and publisher Blowfish Studios releasing on PC via Steam and Epic Games Store Tuesday, August 13th. 

Each round starts you off with a single planet, with a number denoting the size of its starfleet. Click and drag a starlane to a neighbouring planet within range, and your scowling, smiling homeworld will proceed to sweat spaceships in that direction, chewing away at the target’s garrison till it takes possession.

I really like the little I’ve played of To The Stars. It’s an adult kid’s game, if that makes sense, an Aardman take on Slipways with a sickly undertow of Ren & Stimpy. The soundtrack is great, too – it’s as twitchy and sherberty and insidious as the visuals. The trouble is, planetary phantasmagoria of this sort can be contagious. When I next look at the moon, will I see one of this game’s celestial ogres leering back at me?

Read Edwin’s full article on Rock Paper Shotgun here. For more information on To the Stars, head over to the title’s Steam and Epic Games Store page and follow Blowfish Studios on X (formerly Twitter) for any future updates.