VGChartz Shares YesterMorrow’s November 5 Release Date

VGChartz’s William D’Angelo shined a light on the release date for YesterMorrow, the time-bending puzzle platformer from publisher Blowfish Studios and developer Bitmap Galaxy warping to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam on Nov. 5 YesterMorrow is a single-player time travelling 2D platformer, mixing action sequences with puzzle elements, all wrapped up in an engaging story about Read more…

Siliconera Reports Death Isn’t the End in 30XX’s Mega Mode

Siliconera’s Jenni Lada reported that 30XX, the follow-up to Batterystaple Games’ best-selling action platformer 20XX, will introduce a new permadeath-free game type called Mega Mode alongside the returning roguelike Arcade Mode. Lada explains how the new game mode operates: If you go through the Mega Mode, you’ll still have procedurally generated levels. However, dying won’t Read more…