GamesBeat’s Dean Takahashi interviewed current executive director of the International Game Developers Association IGDA), Renee Gittins, about the outcomes of its recent industry survey. The survey is based on responses from more than 1,000 game developers and Takahashi engaged in an extensive discussion regarding the data it showed. Gittins indicated to Takahashi that while “we’re clearly not where we want to be” there is a lot of promising information indicating the industry is heading in the right direction.
To summarize the results, Gittins said the survey suggests that bad conditions such as crunch, or forced overtime, have declined in the past two years — perhaps because of the negative attention drawn to the problem. But developers remain concerned that crunch and other negatives have given the game industry a bad reputation. And problems such as poor enforcement of diversity safeguards also disturb developers.
On top of the data about crunch time’s decline, Gittins said she was encouraged that data surrounding families and wages suggest game developers feel supported enough to stay in the industry for longer while providing for children. Meanwhile, more companies have instituted anti-discrimination policies.
For more informartion about IGDA visit the website. The full report can be found on IGDA’s Survey page.