Bloody Disgusting Highlights Nine Witches: Family Disruption Among December Horror Offerings

Bloody Disgusting’s William Bibbiani conjured up an exhaustive list of all the new horror movies, TV shows, and video games coming out in the month of December, including Nine Witches: Family Disruption, the comedic alternate-history occult adventure game from developer Indiesruption and publisher Blowfish Studios, which focuses on a malefic Read more…

Bloody Disgusting Reports Infliction: Extended Cut Strikes Fear into Nintendo Switch on July 2

Bloody Disgusting stared into the abyss, and the abyss stared back with the news Infliction: Extended Cut, the psychological horror game from developer Caustic Reality and publisher Blowfish Studios exploring the darkness haunting the remnants of a suburban family home, takes a stab at Nintendo Switch on July 2. Author Mike Wilson lays out what horror Read more…

YouTuber GhostWorld Takes an Unforgettable Trip into WORLD OF HORROR

There’s something strange going on in a sleepy little town. Vengeful spirits stalk classrooms, occult symbols appear on residents’ skin, and a sense of prevailing doom hangs overhead. With so much strangeness in one location, someone needs to figure out what’s going on. That’s where GhostRobo comes in. The popular YouTube content creator recently took Read more…

Rely on Horror review praises psychological horror game Infliction: Extended Cut

Rely on Horror took a stab at Infliction: Extended Cut, the psychological horror game from developer Caustic Reality and publisher Blowfish Studios available now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Author Steve Summers, in his 8.5/10 review, praised the dark storyline and had particular praise for the chilling sound design: The sound design in Infliction is top-notch and Read more…

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Polygon Braves Creepy Encounters and Face-Cutting Woman in WORLD OF HORROR

Polygon’s Jenna Stoeber faced dozens of frightful encounters in WORLD OF HORROR, the unsettling cosmic horror RPG from panstasz and Ysbryd Games. The anxiety-inducing encounters and macabre monsters evoked classic choose-your-own-adventure stories and compelled her to chase the terrors: From creepy kitchens and classrooms to eerie people asking for help, these Read more…